
Up-to-date Information and Data


As an HPUD customer and ratepayer, we want to keep you informed and aware of the challenges we face as we implement each phase of the ACT Now Program. While we are responsible for meeting our legal and regulatory obligations, we believe that you, as a customer and ratepayer, should be educated about your responsibilities. We want to provide you with information and help keep you updated on what HPUD is doing to meet these obligations.

Progress Reports

View Collection System Projects Map

Compliance/Regulatory Reports

Each year, HPUD is required to submit an Annual Report to the Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation (TDEC) regarding the status of our progress toward meeting the objectives and strategies included in the ACT Now Program. The Annual Report addresses:

  • Compliance with the TDEC Consent Order, including a 5-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) which includes aĀ  schedule of capital projects, budgets, and timelines.
  • Annual program activities, expenditures and performance metrics.
  • Summary of Public Education and Outreach Activities associated with the ACT Now Program and Consent Order.

Note: Copies of this report will be placed on the ACT Now Website.

Consent Order Progress Reports (Annual Report)

HPUD will provide a progress report on the ACT Now website, including compliance with milestones, budget, and other relevant information as outlined in the ACT Now Program.Ā Details about specific projects will be updated on the ACT Now Project page.

Download the 2023 Annual Report

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